Friday, June 18, 2010

Should my boyfriend get his hair cut?

My boyfriend has long hair but wants to get it cut but I love it and don't want him to. He always keeps it neat and tidy but lately it seems to piss him off a bit and he wants it gone. I can understand he wants a change but I hope he doesn't regret it if he does get it cut. My mum loves him and says his hair gives him a free spirit image and she was equally upset when I told her. He's a professional musician (awesome guitarist) so it fits in with his career. I was never attracted to men with long hair until the first time I met him and he was so nice, really funny and intelligent and I fell in love there and then.

Am I being too selfish about it all ? should I just stand back and keep my mouth shut even though it would break my heart to see him chop off his silky locks?

Should my boyfriend get his hair cut?

i think that since hes ur boyfriend he should listen to cause it effects u to. i luv long hairo n boys!!

Should my boyfriend get his hair cut?

cut it off i think its ugly long

Should my boyfriend get his hair cut?

im a man i had long hair and i cut it. I want my long hair back!

Should my boyfriend get his hair cut?

keep it long hair is in unless its like real long like a girl then he's past the prep surfer look and he's goin for the gay long hair gressy oily look

if he dens twant it short tell him 2 go to a barber and asl{ to even out the sides that usualy takes a nice half inch off and keeps it cool

Should my boyfriend get his hair cut?

say "can't you just trim it and see if you like it that way then"?

Should my boyfriend get his hair cut?

I love men with long hair so I'd try and persuade him not to.

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