Sunday, June 20, 2010

Grow it long or go a smidge shorter?

Well at the end of this year I'll be graduating (not saying what grade) and there's a big shoodad awards thing and I've been considering growing my hair for it so Ican make it look really pretty for it.

Anyways most of my life I've had really really long hair and liked it okish. But it got really long and in gr. 4 I cut it short. My hair was the ugliest thing i ever saw because I looked like a kindegarden. So I grew it long again. Got really look so I got it cut just above shoulders and layered and bangs so I could make it cute a flicky. So anyways I like it but I'm due to have my hair cut back again but I was thinking I could go a smidge shorter because she (hairdresser) made it a bit longer than I would have liked. Then last night I thought well I'd sort of like to have my hair long enough to actually do things with again. Now I'm missing my long hair.

I like bangs and I want to keep them but I don't know what they'd look like with longer hair...

Grow it long or go a smidge shorter?

how to make ur hair grow faster

first of all u should know that there is internal and external part.

internal part :ur hair to grow ,to be soft and smooth need essential vitamines like iron,calcium,b5,so u should take care of ur food and preserve a good diet and submit ur body with all the essential vitamines and minerals,u can not have a good hair and skin if u r starving ur self.

second:external care:u should follow the basic routine(massage ur scalp,use a good shampoo and conditioner,intensive mask every week etc)

3rd:if u have a tight budget u can use natural product(which i recommand cuz mask etc have chemicals which in the long run not good for ur hair).

4th:u should follow the basic hair care(email me if u do not know it)

Grow it long or go a smidge shorter?

well im trying to grow my hair longer just now and it seems to be taking ages!!

but i used to have a fringe (bangs) when i had longer hair, and i think it looked really nice - like nelly furtardo! (prob not how you spell her name, oops, soz!)

but ... the annoying thing with hair that's just longer than your shoulders is that i find when i straighten it, it tends to flick out because of where it sits. sooo annoying!!

i think it depends what your hair is like naturally though - is it straight or curly?

hope this helps a bit!

dont stress too much though, its only hair at the end of the day, no matter what you do to it, it will always grow back.

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