Thursday, November 26, 2009

I'm a guy with long, grungy should I cut it?

what kind of haircut

I'm a guy with long, grungy should I cut it?

Short is spikey is soo sexy on a guy.

I'm a guy with long, grungy should I cut it?

short, messy, gelled

I'm a guy with long, grungy should I cut it?

Short layers that would look so good.

I'm a guy with long, grungy should I cut it?

Can you post a pic of yourself so we can see what might suit you best?

I'm a guy with long, grungy should I cut it?

just see one that picks your face, they all look the same to me oh thats a pretty good site check the right side of this page.

I'm a guy with long, grungy should I cut it?

my boyfriend had long hair like to his sholders and he got it cut 1inch on that sides and 3 on the top it looks really cute. also to style it get spray gell and sray it on your hair when its wet.

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